Contact info 606-864-5187

Skyler Gambill (BF Peer Counselor)

606-682-9912/LCHD, BFPC

Anne Grant(BF Peer Counselor)

606-682-0367LCHD,BFPC, CLC

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


We were thrilled to see all of the people that turned out for BabyFest!!!! Congratulations!!!! to Lisa of Williamsburg for winning the $25.00 Gift Card to Dino's. Our next Chat & Chew Meeting will be held at the Laurel County Health Dept. at 5:30pm in the classroom on July 22, 2010.
We will be making Boo Boo Bunnies so please call your peer counselor and let them know if you will be able to make it. We want to make sure to have enough supplies for everyone.